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Alpinia galanga
[Languas galanga]

[ Zingiberaceae ]
[ South East Asia ]
Greater galangal is native to Java. It is widely used in Indonesia and Malaysia as a food flavouring and spice. It is also grown in India and the rest of South East Asia. Galangal was known to the ancient Indians, and has been in the West since the Middle Ages. Its stimulant and tonic properties are recognized by the Arabs who ginger up their horses with it, and by the Tartars, who take it in tea. In the East, it is taken powdered as a snuff, and is used in perfumery and in brewing.

Alpinia galanga

植 :
15.96 €

Poudre (35gr.) : 缺货

Chips (50gr.) : 缺货

Fruiting plant . Develops a caudex . Medicinal Plant .
zone 11 = Winter minimum temperature 4C to 10C (40F to 50F)

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Clustered ( With several stems in the same individual )
Medicinal Plant

Temperature during winter
Watering during automn-winter
Watering during hot season
Fertilizer during growth

1 gravel + 1 soil + 1 humus

Indoor during winter temperature min. from 11 to 16C


Rarely or from time to time

Regularly and abundantly, but avoid that the water traverse the pot

Regularly but with spacing
No pruning
Repot every year if possible

种子 (3) : 缺货

植 15-25cm :
9.31 €

4 植物 :
26.6 €

种子 (5) : 缺货

Saint Leu - Reunion

Copyright © Le Jardin Naturel