Plumeria obtusa
[X* Singapore, Khao Puang, Evergreen Singapore White, Singapore Obtusa , Singapore White]

[ Apocynaceae ]

An open pollinated plant. Seeds from this plant have produced many different named cultivars. Large white, slight yellow eye. Prolific bloomer. Very glossy, dark, rounded evergreen leaves. No pink or red bands on front or back; petal wide, round tip, no overlapping, no color bands; moderate texture; 3 1/2"; very fragrant lemon, bitter lemon white flowers. Flowers whose waxy surface along with the bright buttery-yellow center is quite a nice contrast to the dark green and glossy leaves. Among the most fragrant plumeria and is easily recognized by its glossy, very rigid and dark green leaves. Evergreen in the tropics and frequently blooming while other plumeria are dormant. Difficult to root. Likes dry conditions. As a tree it is more compact and much more densely foliated and P rubra. The name Singapore Plumeria was applied to Plumeria obtusa when it was introduced into Hawaii from Singapore in 1931 by Harold Lyon.

Plumeria obtusa

Samen (3) : Ausverkauft

Steckling 15-20cm : Ausverkauft

Pflanze (Steckling bewurzelt) 15-25cm : Ausverkauft

Blütenpflanze . Pflanze mit der man Parfüms herstellen kann .

Temperatur im Winter
Bewässerung im Herbst - Winter
Bewässerung in der hei�en Periode
Düngung während des Wachsens

1 Erde + 2 Humus

Drinnen im Winter, Temperatur min. 17C


Selten ( wenn das Substrat trocken ist )

Regelmä�ig aber nicht übertrieben, und besonders im Sommer

Regelmä�ig aber mit Abstand
Nicht beschneiden
Jedes Jahr Umpflanzen wenn möglich

Saint Leu - Reunion

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